Membership Information
How to join SOSA Marching Band?
Step 1:
Register for the appropriate marching band course through the Registration module in your ASAP/myUTSA Account.
Course numbers for reference are HERE.
Step 2:
Read Preseason Camp Information and Schedule HERE.
Step 3:
Fill out the Member Information Form HERE. All members (Winds, Percussion, and Auxiliary) must complete the form.
Percussion Only:
Download the percussion audition packet HERE.
On Campus and Off-Campus Housing:
DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JULY 30, 2024 to be added to the early move in list. You will need Early Move In access to move into your housing beginning on the same day as SOSA Check-In day.
You must have a UTSA Housing contract set up with UTSA Housing Office, complete Step 1 (Register for marching band course course), and complete Step 3 (Membership Information Form) by the deadline to be placed on the Early Move In list. You must secure your own contract for housing through the UTSA Housing Office; UTSA Bands/SOSA/School of Music does not provide housing.
If you have completed Steps 1 and 3, UTSA Housing will reach out to you a few days after the deadline with instructions on confirming your early move in. Please be patient as UTSA Housing has a lot of students to communicate with over the summer. Email SOSA here ONLY if you have not received early move in instructions after the posted deadline.
Membership in The Spirit of San Antonio DOES NOT guarantee you a room. It is a common misconception that UTSA has special rooms available for marching band members. THIS IS NOT TRUE! If you have not yet applied for housing through the UTSA Housing Office, do so immediately.
Advising Appointments. If you are an incoming UTSA student, it is best to request an advising appointment/Freshman Orientation date that is BEFORE the posted deadline. If you sign up for an advising appointment or Freshman Orientation after the posted deadline contact the advising office/Orientation office to see if they will accommodate an earlier appointment for you.
See course numbers here for registration.
**** Dorm early move-in is only available to those who have registered for the marching band course.
**** All SOSA members living in UTSA dorms are expected to attend all meetings and rehearsals during preseason camp.
DEADLINE is JULY 17, 2024 to be added to the early move in list. You will need Early Move In access to move into your housing beginning on the same day as SOSA Check-In day.
You must have a housing contract set up with University Oaks, complete Step 1 (Register for marching band course course), and complete Step 3 (Membership Information Form) by the deadline to be placed on the Early Move In list. Each student living in University Oaks must contact University Oaks to confirm Early Move-In request.
Membership in The Spirit of San Antonio DOES NOT guarantee you a room. It is a common misconception that UTSA has special rooms available for marching band members. THIS IS NOT TRUE! If you have not yet applied for housing, do so immediately. Students living in University Oaks are still expect to attend all meetings and rehearsals during summer band camp.
Advising Appointments. If you are an incoming UTSA student, it is best to request an advising appointment/Freshman Orientation date that is BEFORE the posted deadline. If you sign up for an advising appointment or Freshman Orientation after the posted deadline for early move in contact the advising office/Orientation office to see if they will accommodate an earlier appointment for you.
See course numbers here for registration.
**** University Oaks early move-in is only available to those who have registered for the marching band course.
**** All SOSA members living in University Oaks are expected to attend all meetings and rehearsals during preseason camp.
SOSA members living in off-campus housing are expected to attend all meetings and rehearsals during preseason camp. Please make housing and transportation arrangements to attend preseason camp starting on SOSA Check In day. It is best to move into housing ON or BEFORE the first day of Preseason Camp Check In. SOSA/UTSA Bands does not communicate with off campus housing.
Be sure to communicate with landlord and/or roommates.
Who can participate in the UTSA SPIRIT OF SAN ANTONIO Marching Band?
The UTSA Spirit of San Antonio Marching Band is an ensemble-class in the Department of Music open to all UTSA students meeting the following criteria:
1.Official enrollment at the University of Texas at San Antonio (Degree or Non-Degree Seeking)
2. Enrolled in the UTSA Athletic Band Course listed under ASAP (Offered in 1/2/3hr courses; Course numbers listed HERE)
Fall Rehearsal Schedule
Rehearsals are scheduled at a time of day when few other classes meet and little class time is lost due to travel. With careful planning you should have time to participate in the UTSA SOSA. The Rehearsal Times for the Roadrunner Marching Band are as followed:
M/W 6:00pm - 7:00pm Percussion and Auxiliary Sectionals
M/W/F 7:00pm - 9:30pm Full Band
As with any college activity, you will be responsible for keeping track of your time and keeping up with all of your academic work. Plan ahead, you can do it!
Winds and Percussion Audition/Assessment Information
Audition and Assessment information click HERE
For Future Roadrunners (HS Juniors and younger)
If you are a high school junior or younger and you would like to receive some information about the UTSA Athletic Bands, email us at sosa@utsa.edu
You will receive information about the UTSA Music Department and how to participate in bands at UTSA.
(Please note that it is your responsibility to notify the band office of address changes.)
For more questions about The Spirit of San Antonio please email us at sosa@utsa.edu.